Surface sow and lightly press into soil.
Starting Indoors:
Sow in late winter into germinating mix and cover with a light sprinkling of vermiculite. Keep at 68°F. If no germination in 3-4 weeks, move to 30-40°F for 2-4 weeks then bring back to warm.
Starting Outdoors:
Direct sow from spring to midsummer in a nursery bed for transplanting the following spring. Thin seedlings to 6-8" apart when they have the first set of true leaves.
Set out in spring after frost.
Native to Europe, this species was first cataloged in a herbarium in 1753. It is best against the dark green of shrubs, near the back of the border, and in the moon garden, where the spikes of white bells shine in the dusk. In warmer areas of its range, some afternoon shade is beneficial. Stake if needed and mulch to conserve moisture and keep the soil cool. Spreading where happy, it drops unnumerable seeds from the decorative round seedpods.
Soil pH:
Neutral to slightly alkaline
Prior to planting, mix a few inches of compost into the soil. Topdress annually.
Diseases & Pests:
Prevent slugs and snails with pelletized iron phosphate, crushed eggshells, or diatomaceous earth.
When to Cut for Bouquets:
Harvest when 1/2 of the flowers on a stem are open.