Surface sow and press in lightly; requires light to germinate.
Starting Indoors:
Sow indoors in pots in late winter. Keep at 65-70°F.
Starting Outdoors:
Direct sow after frost in mid-spring to early summer.
Globe thistle's spiky blooms and jagged foliage add exciting texture to summer borders and attract bees and butterflies without demanding much care or water. Native to the Mediterranean, it grows well in gravel gardens or mid-to-back borders in regular soil that is freely draining. Richer soils may cause the plants to sprawl a bit and require staking. Deadhead to lessen its self-sowing ways or keep for its ball-shaped seedheads, cutting back to the ground in autumn. Divide if needed every 3-4 years in spring or early fall.
Watering Details:
Water regularly while establishing, then only during especially dry, hot spells.
Soil pH:
Prefers acidic to neutral.
If soil is especially poor, mix in about 2" of compost before planting, and top dress with an additional inch each spring.
When to Cut for Bouquets:
Harvest when flowers are halfway open.