Starting Indoors:
Sow indoors in pots 6-8 weeks before planting out after last frost. Keep at 60-70°F.
Starting Outdoors:
Direct sow after last frost.
After all danger of frost has passed.
Blue lace flower, or didiscus, features exquisite lavender-blue flowers that grace the tips of its long, graceful stems, making it an excellent choice for cut flower arrangements. For a beautiful display, grow it in large drifts. Best in moderate summer areas, it is not at its best in hot, dry climates. Take care not to disturb the roots if transplanting. When the plants reach a height of 6 inches, pinch to promote branching and more abundant blooms and deadhead regularly. It prefers a sheltered spot in freely-draining soils; provide support in windy areas with strategically placed twiggy brush.
Watering Details:
About 1" per week, but avoid waterlogged soils by allowing the soil to dry before watering.
Soil pH:
Tolerates most pH levels but prefers neutral.
Mix in about 2-4" of compost prior to planting.
When to Cut for Bouquets:
Harvest when a flower or two is fully open on a stem.