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Cosmos 'Double Click Bicolor Violet' - S2
Cosmos 'Double Click Bicolor Violet' - S2
Cosmos 'Double Click Bicolor Violet' - S2
Premium Plugs

Cosmos 'Double Click Bicolor Violet'

Cosmos bipinnatus
A choice new cosmos with ruffled blooms brushed in varying amounts with hues of purple. Strong stems make it superb for cutting, and its branching habit ensures a multitude of flowers all summer. Deadhead spent flowers to keep it lushly blooming.
SKU #PL8507
Shipped As
3-Pack Plugs (2⅓" h x 1½" w per plug)
Annual Hardiness
Half Hardy Annual
Mature Size
3-4' h x 2' w
Full sun
Regular, well-drained
Summer to fall
Striped magenta and white in varying degrees
Great Cut Flower
Heat or Drought Tolerant
Attracts Butterflies
Attracts Bees
Attracts Beneficial Insects
In springtime, after all danger of frost has passed.
Thank goodness we live in the age of the quick-blooming cosmos. Early 20th-century gardeners had to be content with a fleeting flower or two before the frost came to claim them all. Cosmos today are super floriferous midsummer to fall with reliable bloom in hot and dry weather. Pinch out stem tips when plants are 1' tall to help grow bushy, branching plants with loads of flowers. Start indoors in pots for earlier bloom and sow directly for flowering starting mid-summer. Deadhead regularly and stake early in windy areas, as the branches are quite brittle and can snap off at the central stem. It attracts numerous beneficial insects, making it a valuable addition to the borders of vegetable gardens too!
Final Spacing:
Water Requirements:
Low Water Use
Watering Details:
Drought tolerant. Water regularly while establishing, then water only during dry, hot spells.
Soil pH:
Prefers acidic to neutral
Cosmos thrive in regular soil and may sprawl in nitrogen rich soils. If desired, an application of organic flower fertilizer can be mixed in around plants.
Diseases & Pests:
No major pests or diseases. Powdery mildew can be discouraged with a regular preventative application of a baking soda based spray.
When to Cut for Bouquets:
Harvest when flowers start to open to 1/2 open; best vase life before the flowers are pollinated.