Seed To Bloom:
8-10 weeks
Starting Indoors:
Not recommended.
Starting Outdoors:
Direct sow in early spring. In warm winter areas (Zones 8+) sow outdoors in early fall.
Gilia, or blue thimble flower, is a boon to pollinators and beneficial insects and grows well in cottage and rock gardens. Provide short twiggy brush early for support, especially in richer soils. All season bloom in cooler summer areas where rainy weather and humidity are scarce; elsewhere, shear midsummer for rebloom in the cooler weather of early fall or replace with a quick-to-bloom annual. Self-sows.
Watering Details:
Drought tolerant. 1" a week until established, then only during dry spells.
Mix in a few inches of compost prior to planting. Supplement with an organic granular fertilizer if soil is not fertile.